How To Print Given Star Pattern.

What will be the solution of given star pattern?

Star pattern

Fig:- 1

This program is executed on DEV C++ editor. You may use any C or C++ editor to execute the program logic will be same.

Step that you have to follow for this programming logic.

Step 1:- We have to draw a box which will contain 5 rows and 5 column.

Step 2:- We have drawn a box with rows and 5 columns. Now we have to think about its logic portion.
Logic for printing star:-
If column is smaller then or equal to 5 - row
then only we have to print star. Other wise print blank space.


int main()
int row,col;      //Variable deceleration 
for(row=0;row<=4;row++)   //Loop for rows
for(col=0;col<=4;col++)  //Loop for column
if(col>=(4-row))     //Condition for printing star
printf(" *");    
else                //Condition for printing blank space 
printf("  ");
printf("\n");       //For new line
return 0;


Output of the given programming


This is the logic of the given programming. If you face any problem then comment in comment section or visit my YouTube video. Video is in Hindi language.


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