
Conversion of Decimal Number to Roman Numeral.

What is Decimal Number and Roman Numeral? Decimal number :- It is the standard system for denoting Integer and non-integer      number. The numbers that may be represented in the decimal      system are the  decimal fraction. That is, fraction  of the      form   a /10 n , where  a  is an integer, and  n  is a  non-negative      integer. Example :- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9….. Roman Numeral:-   It is a   number system  that originated in ancient Rome and      remained the usual way of writing  numbers throughout      Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers in this      system are represented by combinations of  letters from      the Latin alphabet. Modern usage employs seven symbols,      each with a fixed integer value. ...

Automorphic Number in C Programming || Learning Duniya

What will be the programming of Automorphic Number? Today we are going to learn about the  Automorphic Number .  We will learn definition , some example, programming and logic behind the  Automorphic Number   and also look at the output either input number is  Automorphic Number   or not. What is Automorphic Number? Automorphic Number is a such type of mathematical number whose square end is equal to the original number. Means if you square the number then the end of that number is equal to original number. Example:- Lets take 5. Then square of it is 25 and this numbers ends with 5 , and last number is equal to original number. Another example 7. Then the square of this number is 49 and end number is 9, which is not equal to the original number. Programming :- #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int main() { int num, temp,sqrNum, count,last,temp1;    //Data type decelaration printf( "Enter the numb...